No longer bound by family and duty, I became a wanderer, traveling in many countries, often times alone, just touching with eyes, heart, gut, and camera the great mystery of each moment. I worked on a daily basis, taking photographs as an ongoing interior dialogue and a celebration of the unnamable embedded in each experience.
I have learned that the hungry eye is always rewarded. I take multitudes of photographs, which I later weave together into more complex images. I have found that photographing and then merging images taken from several angles and perspectives gives a closer echo of the experience then a single recording of it.
It has been both necessary and also challenging for me to take time off over the last few years to work with and refine this new direction in my image making, as well as to learn the new technology needed so that it could become an intuitive tool.
These images from India, Wherever I Go, You are There, make the first body of work that I have completed from this time period. I presently have images in process from several other countries. This winter I plan to travel and to photograph with my dog in eastern India.